Thursday, October 16, 2008

graphic design

The definition of the Graphic design: was one of the forms of the painting (the picture) the application that gave the freedom to the designer (the designer) to choose, created, or arranged the element of the form like the illustration, the photograph, the article, and the line on a surface with the aim to be produced and communicated as a message. The picture and the sign that was used could take the form of typography or the other media like the picture or fotografi.Desain graphic generally was applied in the world of advertising, packaging, the film industry, et cetera.

There were several leading figures stated his opinion about the graphic design that I took from the site

According to Suyanto the graphic design was defined as ” the application from art skills and communication for the requirement for the business and industri“. These applications could cover advertising and the sale of the product, created the visual identity for the institution, the product and the company, and the graphic environment, the design of information, and visually completed the message in the publication.

Whereas Jessica Helfand in the site the graphic design as the combination of words and the picture, figures and the graph of the complex, photographs and the illustration that needed special thinking from an individual that could unite element-eleman this, so as they could produce something that was special, very useful, startling or subversive or something that was easy to be remembered.

According to Danton Sihombing the graphic design employed various elements like marka, the symbol, the verbal analysis that was visualised through typography and the picture was good technically photography or the illustration. These elements were applied in two functions, as visual equipment and communication equipment.

According to Michael Kroeger visual communication (visual communication) was the theory exercise and the concepts through terma-terma visual by using the colour, the form, the line and alignment (juxtaposition).

Warren in Suyanto memaknai the graphic design as a translation from the idea and the place in several structural and visual place kinds. Whereas Blanchard defined the graphic design as a communicative art that were connected with the industry, art and the process in producing the visual picture to all the surfaces.

The category of the Graphic design:
the graphic design was distinguished to several categories:
1. Printing (the Printing House) that contained the design of the book, the magazine, the poster, booklet, leaflet, flyer, the pamphlet, advertising, and the other similar publication.
2. Web Desain: the design for the page web.
3. The film including CD, DVD, CD multimedia for the promotion.
4. The identification (the Logo), EGD (Environmental Graphic Design): was the professional design that included the graphic design, the design of the architect, the design of the industry, and the garden architect.
5. The design of the Product.

The category software of graphic design:

1. The application of Layout:
this Program was often used for the need of the production of the brochure, the pamphlet, booklet, the poster, and so on that was similar. This program could arrange the appointment of the text and the picture that were taken from the other program (like Adobe Photoshop).
That including in this group was:
- Adobe FrameMaker
- Adobe In Design
- Adobe PageMaker
- Corel Ventura
- Microsoft Publisher
- Quark Xpress

2. The application of Vektor
that including in this group could be used to make the picture in the form of the vector/the line so as often was acknowledged as Illustrator Program. All the object that was produced took the form of the combination of several lines, both took the form of the straight line and the arch. The application that including in this group was:
- Adobe Illustrator
- Beneba Canvas
- CorelDraw
- Macromedia Freehand
- Metacreations Expression
- Micrografx Designer

3. The application of Pixel
that including in this group could be made use of to process the picture/the manipulation of the photograph (the photograph retouching). It was fake that the object that was processed in progam-program this was regarded as the combination of several points/pixel that had the density and the certain colour, for example, the photograph. The picture was in the photograph formed from several collections pixel that had the density and the certain colour. Nevertheless, the program that including in this group also could process the text and the line, but dianggapa as the collection pixel. The object that was imported from the program of the vector processor/the line, after being processed with the processor program pixel/the point will automatically be converted to the form pixel/the point. That including in this application was:
- Adobe Photoshop
- Corel Photo Paint
- Macromedia Xres
- Metacreations Painter
- Metacreations Live Picture
- Micrografx Picture Publisher
- Microsoft Photo Editor
- Wright Image

4. The application of Film/Video
that including in this group could be made use of to process the film in various format sorts. Giving of the title of the text (like karaoke, the text of the translation, etc.) also could be processed used this program. Generally, giving of the special effect (special effect) like the explosion voice, the whizzing of bullets, the wave, et cetera could be also made use this application. That including in this category was:
- Adobe After Effect
- Power Director
- Show Biz DVD
- Ulead Video Studio
- Element Premier
- Easy Media Creator
- Pinnacle Studio Plus
- WinDVD Creater
- Nero Ultra Edition

5. The application of the Multimedia
that including in this group usually was used to make a work in the form of Multimedia contain the promotion, the appearance of the company, and that of this kind and was packed in the form of CD and DVD. Multimedia this could contain the film/movie, animasi, the text, the picture, and the voice that dirancan in such a way as ordered that was sent more interktif and interesting. That including in this group was:
- Macromedia Authorware
- Macromedia Director
- Macromedia Flash
- Builder Multimedia
- Ezedia
- Hyper Studio
- Ovation Studio Pro.

Monday, October 13, 2008

the articel of vector

-definition of vector-

The picture of vector was the digital picture that had the mathematical equality as a base. The picture of the measuring generally vector smaller when compared with the picture bitmap. Several formats of the picture of the vector among them: SVG, EPS, and CDR .Picture the Vector united the line blank to become an object, so as the picture did not become broke out although being enlarged or reduced, unlike the Bitmap picture.

-definition of vector graphic-

The vector graphics was the geometric use primitives like the tip, the line, the line of the arch, and the form or the polygon (S), that completely was based on the mathematical equality, to symbolise the comparison in the computer graphics. The vector graphics the format matched each other to raster graphics, that was the picture of the comparison as the display pixels, when usually was used for the picture of the photographic comparison. [1] had the incident if working with the vector implement and the format was the best exercise, and the incident if working with raster the implement and the format were the best exercise. There was time if the two formats were united. The understanding of the profit and the limitations respectively technology and relations between them most possibly produced the efficient and effective use the implement.

Generally, in the world of our graphic design could distinguish two ranah big the style of the design, that is the based design vector (vector based design) and the based design bitmap (bitmap based design). Why must have the distinction of this kind? Possibly you asked thus. His reason was, because indeed software the available design used system that was different be based on two categories above.

The based design vector used the mathematical calculation in decisive put forward objects of the compiler of a design. This mathematical calculation covered various of the compiler's parameters of an object, like the position of the co-ordinate, thick thin him the outside line (outline), the colour of the contents (fill) the object and various other parameters. So as to carry out the editing against the object of the same design meaning that by editing his compiler's parameter. As his consequences, the based design vector had the superiority. You could change the form, the measurement and various other parameters freely without worried the decline in the quality will happen picture and the quality printed. You will find picture that always sharply, clear, and good to the object of the based design vector. The characteristics of the design vector that always was seen sharply this was mentioned with the free resolution (resolution independent).
Vector more was suitable to make the object of the design have the shape of geometric, like the box, the circle, the ellipse and polygon. But relative was difficult to make the design with the texture of the complex, like to this photograph.

The picture bitmap and the picture vector

the design vector more often was used to make designs that stressed in soliditas the form and the colour, as well as measurement flexibility, like the design of the logo, letterhead, the cartoon et cetera.

To be able to make the design vector, you must use software the design vector, there is heterogenous the choice that could be used, like Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Freehand, Corel Draw et cetera. From however many software the processor vector, the graphic designers tended many that chose Adobe Illustrator as software the processor vector. This because of various consideration, like the capacity, facilities, fitur, and kompabilitas that was offered by the illustration program of the giant's output software Adobe, Inc. and the others, already since long before Adobe Illustrator had been known to be wide.

In professional the design as software the illustration (the design vector) the number of one in the world.

-The use of the vector design-

The matter what pushed someone wanted to study something was the use concerning this. So also when you wanted to study the design vector, definitely crossed in your marrow, whether the benefit studied this one expertise? Along with was several matters that could be received from the design capacity vector:
  1. The design vector often was used to make designs that needed soliditas the form, the colour, and measurement flexibility, like the logo and letterhead. By controlling the design vector, you will be more well-off in drafting, making or editing the design of the logo, letterhead et cetera. Planning and the production of the logo were one of the certain creative works will be met by you when being active with the world of the graphic design.
  2. The design vector enabled you to more explored the capacity in making the form, chose the colour, arranged the layout (layout), and various elements of the foundation of the other design. Increasingly often you trained made the design vector, increasingly skilled also you in making a design.
  3. The design vector enabled you to put forward the identity yourself personally in the work of the design that was done by you. Why was like this? This because of a design vector was an object of the illustration, available two illustrations that really could be the same. The touch artistic the designer will behind be very strong coloured. the object vector relevant. So, we can identify a work with the designer's certain noose. Here place to show your identity.
  4. The design vector enabled the existence of the exploration towards the form and elements of the design that in case could not be found in the editing of the image bitmap. An illustration gave someone the designer of the freedom to form and edit him, in accordance with the imagination and the technique that were owned by him. The available limitation only the matter of creativity.

The design vector enabled you to create the original work that was typical with the personal touch. This the best reason why you must consider to work through the design vector. Because of going through you can show your design to the world who you in fact.. OK!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

design for the global warming

designed by ed, 3/10/2008

This is a design
about the global warming

I described the design about several
How the beautiful earth before the virus come in
and slowly destroyed the earth.

It was frightening

Thursday, October 9, 2008

treelabel clothing vector design

design by ed,

'hello friends
I new comers With some of the design

The design this is a project Posters
who have been used by the cafes buzz In yogyakarta.
This is not work as than actively The design friends others
I only need a friends about 3 design this
All the comments well and i have received down
I vektor are science for progress

I was very interested in several design vektor friends
who have a lot of i see in the media the internet

Wow........its very impressive
But there is a little problem
Why some of them were not made his original
Why should plagiarism
It's a shame
The design capabilities they plagiarism effect


All can make the original work
Certainly be if any intention
And we will be very proud once
Let's friends all
make the design without plagiarism
It also made some pride our own
It's not present replicate have people.

..................................................good luck